Department of Marine Mammal and Marine Bioacoustics was first founded at the end of 2012 as the earliest scientific research team in the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, when Prof./Dr. LI Songhai joined the institute. It became an independent department in August 2019. The research subjects include small-toothed whales, deep-diving whales, and pelagic whales in the China – ASEAN waters. Our primary research fields include, but are not limited to, bioacoustics, ecology, behavior, and evolution of marine mammals. We work on sound production, hearing and noise effects, visual and passive acoustic surveys, and evolution and conservation of marine mammals. Our research involves noise and high-frequency bio-sound recording and analysis, ecological surveys using both visual observation and passive acoustic monitoring methods, auditory evoked potential recording using ABR technology, underwater bio-sound detection, photo-ID, whole-genome sequencing and analysis, and more.
Chinese White Dolphins( Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins)