Dr. Dawei Wang, Professor
E-mail: wangdawei@idsse.ac.cn
Research on the deep-sea seafloor geohazard by (1) establishing deep-sea geohazard laboratory to test the petrophysical parameters of sediments; (2) identifying deep-sea geohazard using high-resolution seismic data, AUV multi-beam and bottom shallow profile; (3) developing in-situ monitoring equipment to test physical parameters of sediments and to evaluate the wellsite instability for deep-sea engineering, and (4) numerical simulating to simulate seafloor instability processes and predict geohazard.
Reveal the evolution of the sedimentary system around the carbonate platforms by (1) using Seismic Sedimentology to identify and characterize the peri-deposition system of carbonate platform, (2) performing shallow surveys on modern carbonate platforms, and (3) analyzing the coupling relationship between sedimentary system and tectonic activity, monsoon season, ocean current and source supply for the modern carbonate platforms.
Detect weakly magnetic targets by (1) designing and implementing the test program of the weak magnetic sensor; (2) establishing the processing flow of the magnetic data; and (3) building the theoretical response of the magnetic target.
Identify the boundary and the type of submarine geomorphology units by (1) designing the core algorithm based on big data processing method; and (2) developing intelligent software through optimizing and packaging the core algorithm.
Peer-reviewed papers (* Corresponding author, Total 36, English version 19)
Wang Weiwei, Wang Dawei*, Sun Jin, Shao Dali, Lu Yintao, Chen Yuxiang, Wu Shiguo. Evolution of deepwater turbidite bedforms in the Huaguang channel–lobe transition zone revealed by 3D seismic data in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea. Geomorphology, 2020, 370: 107412.
Shiguo Wu*, Dawei Wang*, Huilong Xu, David Volker. Special Issue: Geohazards in the Deep Sea, January 2018, Journal of Ocean University of China.
Dawei Wang*, Hongliu Zeng, Shiguo Wu, Weiwei Wang, Qingping Li, Lijun Mi. Seismic sedimentological evidence for filling process of western Central Canyon System controlled by the evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and the East Asia monsoon since the Late Miocene, South China Sea. Interpretation. 2018, 6(2): D41-D55.
Weiwei Wang, Dawei Wang*, Shiguo Wu, David Völker, Hongliu Zeng, Qingping Li. Submarine landslides on the north continental slope of the South China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2018, 17(1): 83-100.
Shiguo Wu*, Dawei Wang*, David Völker. Deep-sea geohazards in the South China Sea. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2018, 17(1): 1-7.
Dawei Wang*, Hongxin Bai, Shiguo Wu. The research progress of turbidity currents and related bedforms. Advance in Earth Science. 2018, 33(1): 1-14 (in Chinese)
Patents and patent applications(Total 6)
Dawei Wang, Shiguo Wu, Jing Guo, Weiwei Wang, Hanyu Zhang. Edge recognition intelligent identification method for seafloor geomorphology units based on image processing. CN Patent: 201710270758.0, Authorized.
Ming Chen, Dawei Wang, Ming Zhang, Chao Xie, Jinrong Zheng, Chunliang Yu,Chunguang Wang, Xinming Wang, Degao Tuo. Submarine sediment in situ environmental monitoring system, CN Patent: 201811101407.8, Accepted.
Dr. Xiaoxia Huang, Professor
Email: huangxx@idsse.ac.cn
Research interests
My principal research interests focus on linking the understanding of glacial sediment depositional/erosional processes, ocean circulation, and past ice sheet dynamics over polar margins and low-mid latitude margins. The goal of my research is to discover how marine sedimentary successions relate to past glacial dynamics, climatic perturbations, sea level changes, and ocean conditions based on geological and geophysical data, such as acoustics, optics, and electromagnetic waves onboard ships and submersibles to obtain high-precision water-column-seabed-shallow-deep-depth images, signals, and sediment cores from polar oceans.
Research funding and awards
Research funding
2025: PI: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (42476270) Major controls of submarine channels along Antarctic margin.
2024: National Key R&D Program "Deep Sea and Polar Key Technologies and Equipment" Special Project, No. 2023YFC2808504 (participant).
2023: PI: International Partnership Program "Future Partner Network Special Project", Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 120GJHZ2022039FN.
2020: PI: The Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS, Grant No. ZDBS-LY-7018, Antarctic Cenozoic glacial history from deep-water sedimentary records.
2020: PI: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41976223) Geometry, architecture and the erosive nature of mass-transport deposits in deep-marine environments: West Antarctic margin.
2019-2025: PI: The Pioneer Hundred Talents Program (Y910091001) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
SCAR-INSTANT Fellowship, The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. 2022.
Education and Employment History:
Nov. 2015
PhD, Geophysics department, Alfred Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research, and University of Bremen, Germany.
Jul. 2011
MSc, Geophysics department, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, P.R. China.
MSc, Geoscience department, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.
Jul. 2008
B.Sc., Geology department, Northwest University, Xi’an, P.R. China
Employment History
Professor, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy Sciences
Associate Professor, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy Sciences
Research Associate, Sedimentology Group, Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University Potsdam
08/2015 – 12/2016
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Paleoclimate dynamics group, Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany
Hochmuth, K.; Whittaker, J.; Huang, X. From Bottom‐Water Production to Warm Water Intrusions—The Cenozoic History of Bottom‐Current Evolution Offshore the Denman‐Shackleton Region, East Antarctica (2024). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39 (9). DOI: 10.1029/2024pa004948.
Wang, G.; Huang, X.; Liu, S.; Wu, S.; Ma, Z (2024). The role of ice-sheet dynamics in the Miocene-Pliocene depositional systems of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 648. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112253.
Huang, X.; Steel, R.; Larter, R. D. Late Eocene signals of oncoming Icehouse conditions and changing ocean circulation, Antarctica (2022). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 600. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117885.
Huang, X.; Wu, S.; De Santis, L.; Wang, G.; Hernández‐Molina, F. J (2022). Deep water sedimentary processes in the Enderby Basin (East Antarctic margin) during the Cenozoic. Basin Research. DOI: 10.1111/bre.12690.
Huang, X.; Betzler, C.; Wu, S.; Bernhardt, A.; Eagles, G.; Han, X.; Hovland, M (2020). First documentation of seismic stratigraphy and depositional signatures of Zhongsha atoll (Macclesfield Bank), South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 117. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104349.
Huang, X.; Bernhardt, A.; De Santis, L.; Wu, S.; Leitchenkov, G.; Harris, P.; O'Brien, P (2020). Depositional and erosional signatures in sedimentary successions on the continental slope and rise off Prydz Bay, East Antarctica– implications for Pliocene paleoclimate. Marine Geology, 430. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106339.
Huang, X.; Stärz, M.; Gohl, K.; Knorr, G.; Lohmann, G (2017). Impact of Weddell Sea shelf progradation on Antarctic bottom water formation during the Miocene. Paleoceanography, 32 (3), 304-317. DOI: 10.1002/2016pa002987.
Huang, X.; Jokat, W. Sedimentation and potential venting on the rifted continental margin of Dronning Maud Land (2016). Marine Geophysical Research, 37 (4), 313-324. DOI: 10.1007/s11001-016-9296-x.
Huang, X.; Jokat, W. Middle Miocene to present sediment transport and deposits in the Southeastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica (2016). Global and Planetary Change, 139, 211-225. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.03.002.
IODP proposal
Michael E Weber, Gerhard Kuhn, Peter U. Clark, Trevor Williams, James E.T., Channel, James Smith, Wilfrid Jokat, Xiaoxia Huang (data lead), Simon Belt, Jerry X. Mitrovica (Full-848, 2015) Late Neogene ice-sheet and sea-level history of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica.https://docs.iodp.org/Proposal_Cover_Sheets/848-Pre_Weber_cover.pdf
Etourneau, J., De Santis, L., Bertler, N., McKay, R., Crosta, X., Escutia, C., Huang, X., Armbrecht, L., Torricella, F., Evangelinos, D. Wilkes Land ice sheet and shelf vulnerability to warm climates.
Dr.Chuanxu Chen, Professor
E-mail: chencx@idsse.ac.cn
Research interests & Areas
2015: Ph.D. Marine geology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2012-2015:Joint Ph.D. Program, Geophysics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Advisor: Shiguo Wu & Dapeng Zhao (Tohoku University, Japan)
2010: B.S. Geophysics, China University of Mining and Technology
Professional experience
2024.01-now: Researcher, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2021.01-2023.12: Associate researcher, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2018.11-2019: Guest Investigator (One-year), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2018.05-08: Visiting Scholar, University of Hawaii at Manoa
2015.07-2020.12: Assistant researcher, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Sea and field experience
From 2020 to 2024, I have participated more than 60 cruises/legs as chief-scientist, including hadal zone scientific cruise, searching and recovery mission, and deep-sea archaeology survey.
2016. Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2015. President’s Scholarship, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is awarded to outstanding PhD graduates with great potential in science nation-wide
Enyuan He, Xuelin Qiu, Chuanxu Chen, Yuan Wang, Min Xu, Minghui Zhao, Qingyu You. Deep crustal structure across the Challenger Deep: Tectonic deformation and strongly serpentinized layer. Gondwana Research 118, 135-152, 2023
Dong Li, Chuanxu Chen#1, Hanyu Zhang, Yuan Wang, Shiguo Wu. Preprocessing of passive‐source ocean‐bottom seismometer data in the Mariana subduction zone. Geophysical Prospecting, 2023
Mengran Du, Xiaotong Peng, Haibin Zhang, Cong Ye, Shamik Dasgupta, Jiwei Li, Jiangtao Li, Shuangquan Liu, Hengchao Xu, Chuanxu Chen, Hongmei Jing, Hongzhou Xu, Jun Liu, Shunping He, Lisheng He, Shanya Cai, Shun Chen, Kaiwen Ta, Geology, environment, and life in the deepest part of the world’s oceans. The Innovation, 2 (2), 2021
Jian Wang#1, Chuanxu Chen#1, Yuangui Tang, Jixu Li, Cong Chen, Aiqun Zhang, Yiping Li, Shuo Li. Terrain matching localization for hybrid underwater vehicle in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench. Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, 21 (5), 749-759, 2020
Lingmin Cao, Honn Kao, Kelin Wang, Chuanxu Chen, Jim Mori, Shiro Ohmi, Yuan Gao. Spatiotemporal Variation of Crustal Anisotropy in the Source Area of the 2004 Niigata, Japan Earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 109, 1331-1342, 2019
Xintong Xie, Chuanxu Chen*, Linlin Li, Shiguo Wu, David A Yuen, Dawei Wang Tsunami hazard assessment for atoll islands inside the South China Sea: A case study of the Xisha Archipelago. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 290, 20-35, 2019
Chen Han, Qiu Xuelin, He Eyuan, Wang Yuan, Chen Chuanxu, Chen Jun. Accurate measurement and inversion for the seafloor positions of Hadal landers. CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION. 62, 1744-1754, 2019
Dr. Gao Jinwei, Associate Professor
Office:Main Building, Room 507
Email: gaojw@idsse.ac.cn,
Research interests:
Based on the ship and submarine-borne geophysical exploration data such as acoustic, optic, gravity, magnetic, and seismic data, my research interests mainly focuses on : (1) geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of structures in the global passive margins, South China Sea and deep-sea; (2) structural deformation and kinematic modeling of subduction zones; (3) Basin and petroleum geology analysis; and (4) 3D structural modeling and quantitative analysis of faults.
Research funding and awards:
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Time-space characteristics of structural activities and interaction of regional stresses in the western South China Sea margin, 2023.01-2026.12
Key Research and Development Program (International Science and Technology Cooperation Development Program) of Hainan Province, Cenozoic magmatic rocks and their CO2 sequestration potential in the Xisha Waters of the South China Sea, 2022.03.12-2024.08.11
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Crustal structure and evolution of Xisha uplift region in the northwestern South China Sea: implications for deep magmatism, 2018.01-2020.12
Education and Employment History:
2015: Ph.D. in Marine Geology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, China
2012: M.Phil. in Mineral Surveying and Prospecting, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China
2009: B.A. in Resources Exploration Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China
2019-Present:Associate Professor, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya, Hainan, China
2018-2019: Visiting Scholar, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
2015-2018:Assistant Professor, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya, Hainan, China
Liu, Y.H., Gao, J.W.*, Chen W.L., Wang, J.L., Khan, U. (2024) Geometry and 3D seismic characterisation of post-rift normal faults
in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 43(2), 67-82.
Gao, J. W.*, Wu, S.G, Lüdmann, T., Li, C.-F., Li, L., Lu, Y., Yang, Z.L., Tian, L.Y., Qin, Y.P., Song, T. (2023) Extensional structures and Cenozoic magmatism in the northwestern South China Sea. Gondwana Res.120, 219-234.
Liu, G., Wu, S.G., Gao, J.W.*, Zhang, H.Y., Han, X.H., Qin., Y.P., Tian, L.Y., Chen, W.L., Huang, X.X. (2023) Seismic architecture of Yongle isolated carbonate platform in Xisha Archipelago, South China Sea. Front. Earth Sci. 1100675.
Tan, H.W., Gao, X.*, Wang, K.L., Gao, J.W., He, J.H. (2022) Hidden Roughness of Subducting Seafloor and Implications for Megathrust Seismogenesis: Example from Northern Manila Trench. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49(17), 9.
Liu, S.Q., Gao, J.W., Zhao, M.H.*, Sibuet, J.-C. (2022) Crustal structure of the northern Manila subduction zone: Is thinned continental crust or oceanic crust subducting beneath the Luzon arc and forearc? Tectonophysics. 229605.
Gao, J.W., Nathan, B.*, Wu, S.G., Cai, G.Q., Han, S.S., Ma, B.J., Wang, J.L., Xie, Y.B., Huang, W.K., Dong, D.D., Wang, D.W. (2019) Post-seafloor spreading magmatism and associated magmatic hydrothermal systems in the Xisha uplift region, northwestern South China Sea. Basin Res. 31(4):688-708.
Gao, J.W., Peng, X.C., Wu, S.G.*, Ludmann, T., McIntosh, K., Ma, B.J., Xu, Z.Y. (2019) Different expressions of the crustal structure across the Dongsha Rise along the northeastern margin of the South China Sea. J. Asian Earth Sci. 171(1):187-200.
Yang, Y.M., Wu, S.G.*, Gao, J.W.*, Tian, L.Y., Yang, J.C., Xu, X. (2017) Geology of the Yap Trench: new observations from a transect near 10°N from manned submersible Jiaolong. Int. Geol. Rev. 60(16),1941-1953.
Gao, J.W., Wu, S.G.*, McIntosh, K., Mi, L.J., Liu, Z., Spence, G. (2016) Crustal structure and extension mode in the northwestern margin of the South China Sea. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 17(6): 2143-2167.
Gao, J.W., Wu, S.G.*, McIntosh, K., Mi, L.J., Yao, B.C., Chen, Z.M., Jia, L.K. (2015) The continent–ocean transition at the mid-northern margin of the South China Sea. Tectonophysics. 654(2015):1-19.
Dr. Wang Jiliang, Associate Professor
Office: A507
Research Interests:
Jiliang uses geophysics, well drillings and loggings, and numerical simulations to study submarine fluid flow systems (hydrocarbon, gas hydrate, groundwater, etc.) on continental margins and their interaction with carbon cycle, resources, environment and climate change. Specifically, his main research involves characterization of gas hydrate, free gas and groundwater, understanding the geological processes that govern fluid migration and emission in sedimentary basin, and considering their roles in geological process and global change. Additional research themes involve diagenesis of shallow sediment in deep-water settings, and surficial and shallow expression of deep geologic process. His field area includes the northern South China Sea, offshore Greenland, Hikurangi margin offshore New Zealand, and the northern Gulf of Mexico.
2010.09-2015.07 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institute of Oceanology, CAS) Ph.D
2013.09-2014.09 Oklahoma State University, US Visiting Ph.D student
2006.09-2010.07 Chinese University of Petroleum (East China) B.E.
2019.01-Present Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS Research Associate Professor
2023.06-2024.06 University of Manchester, UK Visiting Scholar
2015.09-2018.12 Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS Research Assistant Professor
2016.04-2016.08 Oklahoma State University, US Visiting Scholar
Selected Publications:
1. Wang, J., Li, A., Wang, L. H., Wu, S., Li, Q. (2024). Submarine fluid flow system feeding methane emission in the northern South China Sea. Basin Research, 36(1), e12839.
2. Wang, J., Ma, B., Zhao, L., Su, P., Wu, S. (2023). Rock physics diagnostics to characterize early diagenetic processes in hemipelagic calcareous ooze in the northern South China Sea margin. Marine Geophysical Research, 44(4), 20.
3. Wang, J., Wu, S., Sun, J., Feng, W., Li, Q. (2021). Influence of seafloor topography on gas hydrate occurrence across a submarine canyon-incised continental slope in the northern margin of the South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 133, 105279.
4. Wang, J., Jaiswal, P., Haines, S. S., Yang, Y., Hart, P. E., Wu, S. (2020). Gas hydrate quantification in Walker Ridge block 313, Gulf of Mexico, from full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom seismic data. Interpretation, 8(1), T27-T42.
5. Wang, J., Wu, S., Zhao, L., Wang, W., Wei, J., Sun, J. (2019). An effective method for shear-wave velocity prediction in sandstones. Marine geophysical research, 40, 655-664.
6. Wang, J., Jaiswal, P., Haines, S. S., Hart, P. E., Wu, S. (2018). Gas hydrate quantification using full-waveform inversion of sparse ocean-bottom seismic data: A case study from Green Canyon Block 955, Gulf of Mexico. Geophysics, 83(4), B167-B181.
7. Wang, J., Wu, S., Kong, X., Li, Q., Wang, J., Ding, R. (2018). Geophysical characterization of a fine-grained gas hydrate reservoir in the Shenhu area, northern South China Sea: Integration of seismic data and downhole logs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 895-903.
8. Wang, J., Wu, S., Kong, X., Ma, B., Li, W., Wang, D., Gao, J., Chen, W. (2018). Subsurface fluid flow at an active cold seep area in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 168, 17-26.
9. Wang, J., Wu, S., Yao, Y. (2018). Quantifying gas hydrate from microbial methane in the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 168, 48-56.
10. Wang, J., Sain, K., Wang, X., Satyavani, N., Wu, S. (2014). Characteristics of bottom-simulating reflectors for Hydrate-filled fractured sediments in Krishna–Godavari basin, eastern Indian margin. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 122, 515-523.
Dr. Sun Jin, Associate Professor
E-mail: sunjin@idsse.ac.cn
Research interests
Sun’s main research is deep-sea geological disasters, which includes the exploitation of natural gas hydrate resources, deep-sea shallow geological disasters and marine soils mechanics. His current research achievements and contributions include: seabed stability research of deep-sea complex continental slope, gas hydrate resource evaluation in Qiongdongnan Basin and borehole stability evaluation of two-phase porous medium strata.
Research funding and awards
1.National Key Research and Development Plan,2019YFC0312301-1, Diagenetic and non-diagenetic Natural gas hydrate Reservoir Description and Evaluation of Ore Body Development Characteristics, 2020.01-2021.10
2.National Key Research and Development Plan,2022YFC2805503, Characterization of Microgeomorphology and Microstructure of Typical Submarine fluid System, 2022.12-2026.11
3.Natural Science Foundation Project of Hainan Province, 521MS069, Efficient sand control method for shale fine gas hydrate reservoirs in the South China Sea, 20221.09-2023.12
4.Natural Science Foundation Project of Hainan Province, 422QN354, 3D Analysis of Seabed instability Risk in Complex deep water Slope area of Qiongdongnan, 2022.04-2025.04
Education and Employment History
2005-2009: B.A. Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
2009-2012: M.Phil. in Drilling Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
2012-2016: Ph.D. in Drilling Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
2016-2018: Postdoctor, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Sanya, China
2018-2021:Assistant Researcher, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Sanya, China
2022-Present:Associate Researcher Fellow, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Sanya, China
Sun, J., Wu, S., Deng, J. (2019) An analytical model for fracture initiation in elasto-plastic soft formations based on stress path analysis. J. Petrol Sci. Eeg. 176,906-925.
Sun J., Wu S., Deng J., et al. (2018) Numerical simulation of mechanical compaction of deepwater shallow sediments. J. Ocean. U. China 17,53-64.
Sun J., Deng J., Yu B.,et al. (2015) Model for fracture initiation and propagation pressure calculation in poorly consolidated sandstone during waterflooding. J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng. 22, 279-291.
Wu S., Sun J., Li Q.,et al. (2024) Potential on joint development of three-gas reservoirs in the Qiongdongnan Basin. The Innovation Geoscience, 2, 100065.
Sun J., Wang D., Wu S., et al. (2020) Quantitative analysis of slope stability of drilling sites with complex topography in the Qiongdongnan continental slope. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science.
Zhu L., Sun J., Zhou X., et al. (2023) Well logging evaluation of fine-grained hydrate-bearing sediment reservoirs: Considering the effect of clay content. Petrol. Sci, 20, 879-892.
Lei, Y., Sun, J., Wang,G. (2022) Simulation of shallow gas invasion process during deepwater drilling and its control m measure. J. Ocean. U. China 21,707-718.
Dr. Zhang Hanyu, Assistant Researche
E-mail: zhanghy@idsse.ac.cn
Research interests
Mainly engaged in the research on deep-sea distributed optical fiber sensing (DOFS) observation and fluid-solid processes as well as their action mechanisms. Presided over 4 scientific research projects including one of the National Key R&D Program. Published 8 academic papers in domestic and foreign journals as the first author or corresponding author.
Research Directions:
(1) Deep-sea distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) observation and noise imaging
(2) Deep-sea fluid-solid processes and mechanisms under the influence of storms, earthquakes and fluid activities.
(3) Domestic multi-beam water column data processing and anomaly detection.
Work Experience:
Educational Background:
Dr. Zhou Xueqing, Assistant Researcher
Email: zhouxq@idsse.ac.cn
Research interests
My research direction is well logging, comprehensive evaluation of reservoir based on multiple methods and partial seismic interpretation, with a background in petrophysics. I have a strong interest in CO2/H2 geological storage including conducting physical experiments and well logging evaluation,calculating the potential. Ihave accumulated rich experience in fine evaluation of reservoir parameters, machine learning application and reservoir comprehensive evaluation by electrical imaging logging, array acoustic log and conventional logging in sandstone, carbonate, shale gas, buried-hill and some unconventional reservoirs such as sediments. In addition, I also have experience in CO2 geological storage and I expect to continue some dazzling researchinthisdirection.
Work experience
2021.08 - Now, Institute of Deep-Sea Science & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Role: Postdoc
Sustainable Geoscience for Natural Gas SubSurface Systems: Gulf Professional Publishing_RM, 2021. iresearchplatform. Web. 2 Jul. 2023.
A method for evaluating the potential for CO2 hydrate storage in deep-sea sediments. (national invention patent in China)
A calculation method, device and computer storage medium for permeability of Metamorphic rock reservoir. (national invention patent in China)
Zhou X, Wu S, Bosin A., et al. Evaluation of CO2 hydrate storage potential in the Qiongdongnan Basin via combining the phase equilibrium mechanism and the volumetric method. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 11(3): 220-229.
Zhou X, Zhang C, Zhang Z. et al. A saturation evaluation method in tight gas sandstones based on diagenetic facies. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 107: 310-325.
Zhou X, Zhang Z, Zhang C. Bi-LSTM deep neural network reservoir classification model based on the innovative input of logging curve response sequences. IEEE Access, 2021, 9:19902-19915.
Zhou X, Zhang Z, Zhang C. Comparative study and discussion of diagenetic facies and conductivity characteristics based on experiments. Royal Society Open Science, 2022, 9(02): 202122.
Zhou X, Zhang Z, Zhang C, et al. A new lithologic classification method for tight sandstone reservoirs based on rock components and logging response characteristics. Journal of Geophysics & Engineering, 2017, 14(06):1599-1607.
Zhou X, Zhang Z, et al. A new method for high-precision fluid identification in bidirectional long short-term memory network. Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 2021, 45(01): 69-76.
Dr. Xie Xintong, Assistant Researcher
Email: xiext@idsse.ac.cn
Research interests
My research focuses on using numerical simulations to investigate the causes and disaster assessments of subduction zone earthquake tsunamis. I emphasize the role of subduction zones in tsunami generation, specializing in marine geophysics to explore ocean-floor processes and tectonic interactions critical to these events.
Education and Employment History
2008.9-2012.6, Chang'an University, Bachelor;
2012.9-2015.6, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, Master;
2016.9-2019.6, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD.
2021.10-2023.10, McGill University, Visiting Postdoc;
2019.10 - present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Researcher.