
Name: Hao Yan

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Professor; Director of Department of Experimental Study under Deep-sea Extreme Conditions


Research interests: My research will focus on physics, chemistry, and materials science in deep-sea extreme conditions with high pressure and variable temperature, especially novel physical and chemical properties of low dimensional materials in extreme conditions. Optical equipment such as diamond anvil cells and fused silica capillary capsules were used for high pressure at different temperatures. With material characterization methods, such as synchrotron X-ray techniques, in-lab spectroscopy, electrical transport measurements etc., we can do in-situ measurement for materials in simulated deep-sea environment.

Research funding and awards: Study on phase transition of self-assembled nano-supercrystals under pressure and temperature control.

Education History

2002-2009, Kansas State University, Ph.D. in Physics;

1998-2001, Peking University, M.S. in Physics;

1991-1995, Nanjing University, B.S. in Physics.

Employment History

2020-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Professor;

2013-2019, Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, Staff Scientist;

2010-2013, Missouri State University, Postdoctoral Research Associate.


1. Lu, Y., Chiang, CY., Li, Y., Ku, CS., Yan, H.*, Huang, E., Chen, B., and Tamura, N. (2021) Twinning-Mediated Anomalous Alignment of Rutile Films Revealed by Synchrotron X-Ray Nanodiffraction. iScience, 24, no. 4, 102278.

2. Lu, Y., Yan, H., Huang, E., and Chen, B. (2021) Persistent Negative Compressibility Coupled to Optical Modulation in Empty-Perovskite TiOF2. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, no. 16, 8869.

3. Huang, S., Lu, Y., Wang, F., Lei, Y., Song, C., Zhang, J., Xing, Q., Wang, C., Xie, Y., Mu, L., Zhang, G., Yan, H., Chen, B., and Yan, H*. (2021) Layer-Dependent Pressure Effect on the Electronic Structure of 2D Black Phosphorus. Physical Review Letters, 127, no. 18, 186401.

4. Lu, Y., Zhu, S., Huang, E., He, Y., Ruan, J., Liu, G., and Yan, H*. (2019) Pressure-Driven Band Gap Engineering in Ion-Conducting Semiconductor Silver Orthophosphate. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, no. 9, 4451.

5. Lu, Y., Wei, Z., Salke, N., Yu, L., and Yan, H. (2019) Enhanced Electron Transport in Rutile TiO2 Nanowires via H2S-Assisted Incorporation of Dissolved Silicon for Solar-Driven Water Splitting. Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 244, 767–72.

6. Guan, Y., Hu, Y., Zhang, H., Wu, G., Yan, H.*, and Ren, S.* (2019) A Highly Conductive, Transparent Molecular Charge-Transfer Salt with Reversible Lithiation. Chemical Communications, 55, no. 50, 7179–82.

7. Ruan, J., Thummavichai, K., Lu, Y., Zhu, Y., and Yan, H.* (2018) Phase Transition and Optical Absorption Evolution of WO3 Nanoparticles Induced by Pressure. Materials Research Express, 5, no. 7, 075015.

8. Li, C., Ke, F., Hu, Q., Yu, Z., Zhao, J., Chen, Z., and Yan, H. (2016) Correlated Structural and Electronic Phase Transformations in Transition Metal Chalcogenide under High Pressure. Journal of Applied Physics, 119, no. 13, 135901.

9. Yan, H., Mayanovic, R., Demster, J., and Anderson, J. (2013) In Situ Monitoring of the Adsorption of Co2+ on the Surface of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in High-Temperature Aqueous Fluids. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 81, 175–82.

10. Yan, H., Klabunde, K., Chakrabarti, A., and Sorensen, CM. (2009) Nucleation of Gold Nanoparticle Superclusters from Solution. Physical Review Letters, 102, no. 9,095501.

Name: I-Ming Chou

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Distinguished Professor


Research interests

(1) Stability of minerals as a function of pressure, temperature, and co-existing fluid compositions (including redox condition) and its applications in petrology and ore formation.(1) Stability of minerals as a function of pressure, temperature, and co-existing fluid compositions (including redox condition) and its applications in petrology and ore formation;

(2) Physicochemical properties of minerals, gas hydrates and geological fluids;

(3) Raman spectroscopy data bank for the C-O-H-N-S system with various compositions at various pressure-temperature conditions;

(4) Structures of hydrothermal fluids determined by using the synchrotron x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) method in diamond-anvil cells up to supercritical conditions;

(5) Synthetic fluid inclusions and applications;

(6) In situ redox control and Raman spectroscopy of hydrothermal solutions in fused silica capillary capsule below 500 ºC.

Research funding and awards

Mineralogical Society of America Fellow (1999); Geological Society of America Fellow (2013); W.J. James Professor of Pure and Applied Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada (1997); Visiting Professor in China, including Inst. of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (1994 and 2008to present), Zhongshan Univ. (2001), Institute of Geochemistry, CAS at Guangzhou(2002) and Guiyang (2013), China University of Geosciences, Wuhan (2006), and China Univ. of Petroleum (UPC) (2014); Gilbert Fellowship, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS; 1990); Research Fellow, Univ. of Hannover, Germany (1993); Foreign Research Fellow, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan (1993);  NSF Grants (to Bassett and Chou; 1992-1994, and 1993-1995; to Bodnar and Chou, 1998-2000); USGS Technology Maturation Grant (1996); STAR and Monetary Awards, USGS (2002, 2007, 2009 and 2010);  Excellent Worker Award and Advanced Working Group Award in IDSSE (2014 and 2015) Distinguished “Backbone” Research Fellow (2015-2020)  and Distinguished “Core-Backbone” Research Fellow (2016-2021) of CAS; The Knowledge Innovation Program (SIDSSE-201302, 2013-2015); The CAS Hadal-trench Research Program (XDB06060100, 2014-2019); The CAS Key Research Project in Frontier Science (QYZDY-SSW-DQC008, 2016-2020); The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41573052 [2016-2019]; 41973055 [2020-2023]; 42130109 [2022-2026]).

Education History

1969-1974, The Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D. in Geochemistry;

1964-1968, National Taiwan University, B.S. in Geology.

Employment History

2013-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Distinguished Professor;

1979-2013, US Geological Survey, Geologist (achieved the highest Civil Service grade);

1976-1978, NASA-Johnson Space Center, Postdoctoral Fellow;

1974-1976, The Johns Hopkins University, Postdoctoral Fellow.     


1. Wan, Y., Chou, I.-M.*, Wang, X.*, Wang, R., and Li, X. (2023) Hydrothermal sulfate surges promote rare earth element transport and mineralization. Geology, 5, no. 5, 449–453.

2. Hu, M., Chou, I.-M.*, Wang, R., Shang, L., and Chen, C. (2022) High solubility of gold in H2S-H2O±NaCl fluids at 100-200 MPa and 600-800 ℃: a synthetic fluid inclusion study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 330, 116–130.

3. Chou, I.-M.* (2021) In situ observations and quantitative Raman spectroscopic analyses of samples in high-pressure optical cells in hydrothermal experiments. Science Bulletin, 66, 1933–1935.

4. Chou, I.-M.*, Wang, R., and Fang, J. (2021) In situ redox control and Raman spectroscopic characterisation of solutions below 300 ℃. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 20, 1–5.

5. Chou, I.-M.*, Song, Y., and Burruss, R. (2008) A new method for synthesizing fluid inclusions in fused silica capillary containing organic and inorganic material. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, no. 21, 5217–5231.

6. Chou, I.-M.*, Burruss, R., and Lu, W. (2005), A new optical cell for spectroscopic studies of geologic fluids at pressures up to 100 MPa. Advances in High-Pressure Technology for Geophysical Applications. Ed. J. Chen, Y. Yang, T.S. Duffy, G. Shen, and L.F. Dobrzhinetskaya, Chapter 24, p. 475–485. Elsevier.

7. Chou, I.-M.*, Sharma, A., Burruss, R., Shu, J., Mao, Ho-kwang, Hemley, R., Goncharov, A., Stern, L., and Kirby, S. (2000) Transformations in methane hydrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97, no. 25, 13484–13487.

8. Chou, I.-M.*, Blank, J., Goncharov, A., Mao, H., and Hemley, R. (1998) In situ observations of a high-pressure phase of H2O ice.  Science, 281, 809–812.

9. Chou, I.-M.*, Pasteris, J., and Seitz, J. (1990) High-density volatiles in the system C-O-H-N for the calibration of a laser Raman microprobe. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54, 535–543.

10. Chou, I.-M.* (1982) Phase Relations in the system NaCl-KCl-H2O. Part I: Differential thermal analysis of the NaCl-KCl liquidus at 1 atmosphere and 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 bars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 46, 1957–1962.

Name: Shenghua Mei

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Professor


Research interests:

1. Rheological laws of minerals and rocks under high temperature and high pressure to explore the dynamic process of the submarine lithosphere;

2. Physical properties of rocks or gas hydrate under extreme environments to study a series of engineering and technical issues involved in deep-sea energy development;

3. Phase transition of hydrous minerals in subduction zones.

Research funding and awards

2003-2006 Rheology of Earth’s Interior: Experimental Investigation to Pressures of 15 GPa using the Deformation-DIA, Department of Energy Project;

2007-2010 CSEDI: Collaborative Research: Grand Challenge for Experimental Study of Plastic Deformation Under Deep Mantle , NSF,USA;

2009-2013, Rheological Properties of Olivine: Roles of Melt, Water and Pressure,United States Department of Energy Project;

2017-2020, Rheological Properties of Lithospheric Mantle: Experimental Constraints, NSFC;

2017-2021, Experimental Study on Deformation Mechanics and Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Gas Hydrates, CAS Frontier Key Project;

2018-2023, Dynamical Diamond Anvil Cell Platform, Strategic Priority Research Program , Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Education History

1996-1999, University of Minnesota, Ph.D. in Materials Science;

1983-1986, Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S. in Petrophysics;

1979-1983, University of Science and Technology of China, B.S. in Science.

Employment History

2016-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Professor;

2005-2015, University of Minnesota, Department of Geoscience, Senior Professor;

2002-2004, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, Postdoctoral fellow;

1999-2001, University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Postdoctoral fellow;

1993-1999, University of Minnesota, Department of-Chemical Engineering and Materials, Associate Professor;

1991-1992, University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Associate Professor.


1. Zhang, G., Mei, S., and Song, M. (2020) Effect of water on the dislocation creep of enstatite aggregates at 300 MPa. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, no. 5, e2019GL085895.

2. Zhang, G., Mei, S., Song, M., and Kohlstedt, D. L. (2017) Diffusion creep of enstatite at high pressures under hydrous conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, no. 10, 7718-7728.

3. Xu, L., Mei, S., Dixon, N., Jin, Z., Suzuki, A. M., and Kohlstedt, D. L. (2013). Effect of water on rheological properties of garnet at high temperatures and pressures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 379, 158-165.

4. Mei, S., Suzuki, A. M., Kohlstedt, D. L., Dixon, N. A., and Durham, W. B. (2010) Experimental constraints on the strength of the lithospheric mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115 (B8).

5. Mei, S., Suzuki, A. M., Kohlstedt, D. L., and Xu, L. (2010). Experimental investigation of the creep behavior of garnet at high temperatures and pressures. Journal of Earth Science, 21, no. 5, 532-540.

Name: Lei Jiang

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Professor; Vice director of the institute


Research interests:

Deep-sea high-pressure simulation technology, gas diffusion-dissolution processes, and exploitation of natural gas hydrates by the CO2 replacement method.

Research funding and awards

(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program, 41873068, Quantitative Raman Spectroscopic Study on the Dissolution-Diffusion Process of Hydrogen Sulfide in the H2S-H2O-NaCl System under a Wide Range of Temperature and Pressure Conditions, 510 thousand yuan;

(2) Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, Hainan Province Science and Technology Talent Innovation Project, KJRC2023C15, Research on the Simulation Device and Enhancement Technology for the Exploitation of Natural Gas Hydrate by CO2 Replacement Method, 1 million yuan;

(3) Ministry of Science and Technology, Project Task of the National Key R&D Program, Project No. 2023YFC2809203, Standardized Sea Trials of Abyssal Marine Instruments and Equipment, 8 million yuan;

(4) Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, Major Science and Technology Program Project, Project No. ZDKJ202014, Technical Upgrade of Manned Submersible Components and Improvement of Operational Capability, 14 million yuan;

(5) Chinese Academy of Sciences, Project Task of the Strategic Priority Research Program (Category A) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Project No. XDA22040500, Deep-sea Ultra-high Pressure Environment Simulation Platform, 21.35 million yuan. 

Education History

2004-2007, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Geochemistry;

2001-2004, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), M.S. in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy;

1997-2001, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), B.E. in  Resource Exploration Engineering.

Employment History

2018-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Professor;

2013-2018, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering,CAS, Associate Professor;

2009-2013, Wuhan Textile University, Associate Professor;

2007-2009, Wuhan Textile University, Assistant Professor.


1. Sun, J., Zhang, Y., G. Bhattacharjee, Li, X., Jiang, L.*, and P. Linga. (2024) Hydrate-based energy storage: Studying mixed CH4/1,3-dioxane hydrates via thermodynamic modeling, in-situ Raman spectroscopy, and macroscopic kinetics. Applied Energy, no. 368, 123517.

2. Sun, J., Zhang, Y., Chou, I.- M., Jiang, L.*, Li, X., and P. Linga. (2024) Hydrate-based SF6 capture and sequestration: Insights from thermodynamics, kinetics, in-situ Raman spectroscopy, and molecular dynamic simulation. Chemical Engineering Journal, no. 499, 156530.

3. Sun, J., Jiang, L.*, Chou, I.- M., Nguyen, N. N., Nguyen, A. V., Chen, Y., Lin, J., and Wu, C. (2023) Thermodynamic and kinetic study of methane hydrate formation in surfactant solutions: From macroscale to microscale. Energy, no. 282, 128356.

4. Sun, J., Sun, R., Chou, I.- M., Nguyen, A. V., and Jiang, L.* (2022) Experimental measurement and thermodynamic modeling of dissociation conditions of hydrogen sulfide hydrate in the presence of electrolyte solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal, no. 431, 133821.

5. Sun, J., Chou, I.-M., Jiang, L.*, Lin, J., Sun, R. (2021) Crystallization Behavior of the Hydrogen Sulfide Hydrate Formed in Microcapillaries. Acs Omega, 22, no. 6, 14288-14297.

6. Sun, J., Xin, Y., Chou, I.-M., Sun, R., Jiang, L.*(2020)Hydrate Stability in the H2S-H2O system-Visual Observations and Measurements in a High-Pressure Optical Cell and Thermodynamic Models. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 65, no. 8, 3884-3892.

7. Jiang, L., Xin, Y., Chou, I.-M., Sun, R.(2020)Raman spectroscopic measurements of H2S solubility in pure water over a wide range of pressure and temperature and a refined thermodynamic model. Chemical Geology, No. 555, 119816.

8. Jiang, L., Xin, Y., Chou, I.-M., Chen, Y.(2018)Raman spectroscopic measurements of v1 band of hydrogen sulfide over a wide range of temperature and density in fused-silica optical cells. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 49, no. 2, 343-350. 

Name: Jiangzhi  Chen

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Associate Professor


Research interests:

I build numerical models to understand the behavior of ice and gas hydrates in porous media in marine sediments and permafrost, both on Earth and in extraterrestrial environments, and the related gelogical and geophysical phenomenon including permafrost freezing/thawing cycle, submarine landslide, deep hydrocarbon migration, etc.

Research funding and awards

Mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing marine sediments and continental slope stability of the northern South China Sea, Young Scientist Fund by NSFC (2019-2021), No. 41804085.

Education History

2008-2014, University of Oregon, Ph.D. in Geological Sciences;

2004-2008, Peking University, B.S. in Geophysics.

Employment History

2017-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering; CAS, Associate Professor;

2016-2017, University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral Researcher;

2014-2015, University of Oregon, Postdoctoral Research Associate.


1. Wu, C., Chen, J., Sun, J., Chou, I.-M., Mei, S., Lin, J., and Jiang, L. (2023) Experimental determination and thermodynamic modeling of the hydrogen sulfide hydrate solubility in water. Chemical Engineering Science, 119474.

2. Liu, Y., Chou, I.-M., Chen, J., Wu, N., Li, W., Bagas, L., Ren, M., Liu, Z., Mei, S., and Wang, L. (2023) Oldhamite: A new link in upper mantle for C–O–S–Ca cycles and an indicator for planetary habitability. National Science Review, 10, no. 10.

3. Chen, J., and Mei, S. (2023) Gas-saturated carbon dioxide hydrates above subseabed carbon sequestration site and the formation of self-sealing cap. Gas Science and Engineering, 111, 204913.

4. Chen, J., Mei, S., and Rempel, A. W. (2021) Estimating permeability of partially frozen soil using floating random walks. Water Resources Research, 57, no. 12, e2021WR030143.

5. Chen, J., Mei, S., and Rempel, A. W. (2021) A Monte Carlo model of gas-liquid-hydrate three-phase coexistence constrained by pore geometry in marine sediments. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 718.

6. Chen, J., Mei, S., Irizarry, J. T., and Rempel, A. W. (2020) A Monte Carlo approach to approximating the effects of pore geometry on the phase behavior of soil freezing. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, no. 10, e2020MS002242.

7. Chen, J., Elmi, C., Goldsby, D., and Gieré, R. (2017) Generation of shock lamellae and melting in rocks by lightning-induced shock waves and electrical heating. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 no. 17, 8757–8768.

8. Chen, J., and Rempel, A. W. (2015) Shear zone broadening controlled by thermal pressurization and poroelastic effects during model earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, no. 7, 5215–5237.

9. Chen, J., and Rempel, A. W. (2014) Progressive flash heating and the evolution of high-velocity rock friction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, no. 4, 3182–3200.

Name: Yuegao Liu

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Associate Professor


Research interests:

(1) Phase transition and physico-chemical properties of minerals by X-ray synchrotron radiation and Raman Spectrum;

(2) Experimental simulation of migration and enrichment of ore-forming metal elements;

(3) Metallogenic mechanisms and location prediction of ore deposits related to mafic-ultramafic rocks; 

(4) Simulation of Natural Gas Generation Process of Typical Organic Matter in the Yacheng-Sanya formations of the South China Sea.

Research funding and awards

1. "New Star of South China Sea" Project, Simulation of Natural Gas Generation Process of Typical Organic Matter in the Yacheng Formation-Sanya Formation of the South China Sea, PI, 0.3 Million, 2023–2026;

2. Science and Technology Plan Project of Hainan Province, Research and Development of Deep-sea Cobalt-Manganese Exploration Device Based on UV Raman Spectroscopy, PI, 0.81 Million, 2022–2025;

3. Shaanxi Province Postdoctoral Project (Enterprise Funding Project), High-temperature and High-pressure Experimental Study on the Effect of Crystallization-Contamination Process on the Sulfide Saturation Mechanism of the Xiarihamu Cu-Ni Deposit, PI, 0.1 Million, 2017–2019;

4. China Scholarship Council, Experimental simulation of sulfide saturation process of basaltic magma, PI, 0.27 Million, 2016–2018;

5. China Postdoctoral Foundation, Physical and Chemical Conditions of Xiarihamu Cu-Ni Deposit, 0.05 Million, PI, 2016–2017.

Education History

2010–2015, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Ph.D in Economic Geology—Exploration technology (Geology, Geophysical, Geochemistry methods);

2006–2010, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), B.S. in Economic Geology.

Employment History

2020–Present, CAS Key Department of Experimental Study under Deep-sea Extreme Conditions, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor;

2017–2018, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Postdoc;

2016–2017, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Postdoc;

2015–2020, Key Department of the Study of Focused Magmatism and Giant Ore Deposits, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xi'an Center of China Geological Survey, Postdoc.


1. Liu, Y., Zhang, J.*, Feng, Z., Yang, S., Wang, Y., Li, J., Zhao, Z., Wang, Z., Li, S., Chen, Z., and Wang, H. (2025) Exploration and research progress of magmatic copper-nickel-cobalt sulfide deposits in the north-eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geology in China. doi:10.12029/gc20230128003 (In Chinese with English abstract)

2. Gao, Y., Bagas, L., Liu, Y.*, Li, W., Hattori, K., Papineau, D., Jing, D., Chen, D., Teng, J., He, Y., Zhao, M., Zhang, L., and Zhao, Z. (2024) Discovery of Late Carboniferous high-grade carbonate-hosted manganese mineralization in the Maerkansu area of the Western Kunlun Orogen, Northwest China. Gondwana Research, 133, 129–147. (IF=7.2)

3. Liu, Y., Cai, C., Zhu, S., Zheng, Z., Li, G., Chen, H., Li, C., Sun, H., Chou, I.-M., Yu, Y., Mei, S.*, and Wang, L.* (2024) Enhanced hydrogen evolution catalysis of pentlandite due to the increases in coordination number and sulfur vacancy during cubic-hexagonal phase transition. Small, 13, 2311161. (IF =13.3)

4. Liu, Y., Chou I.-M., Chen, J., Wu, N., Li, W., Bagas, L., Ren, M., Liu, Z., Mei, S.*, and Wang, L.P.* (2023) Oldhamite: A new link in upper mantle for C-O-S-Ca cycles and an indicator for planetary habitability. National Science Review, 10, nwad159. (IF =18.6)

5. Liu, Y., Lü, X.*, Ruan, B., Liu, X., Liu, S., Feng, J., Deng, G., Wang, H., Zeng, H., Wang, P., Wang, W., and Lu, Q. (2019) A comprehensive information exploration model for magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits in Beishan, Xinjiang. Mineral Deposits, 38, 644–666. (In Chinese with English abstract)

6. Liu, Y.*, Li, W., Jia, Q., Zhang, Z.*, Wang, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhang, J., and Qian, B. (2018) The Dynamic Sulfide Saturation Process and a Possible Slab Break-off Model for the Giant Xiarihamu Magmatic Nickel Ore Deposit in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Economic Geology, 113, 1383–1417.

7. Liu, Y.*, Chen, Z., Li, W.*, Xu, X., Kou, X., Jia, Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, F., Wang, Y., and You, M. (2019) The Cu-Ni mineralization potential of the Kaimuqi mafic-ultramafic complex and the indicators for the magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposit exploration in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 198, 41–53.

8. Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Qian, B., Liu, Y.*, Zhang, D., Lü, P., and Dong, J. (2018) Metallogeny and tectonomagmatic setting of Ni-Cu magmatic sulfide mineralization, number I Shitoukengde mafic-ultramafic complex, East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 96, 236–246.

9. Liu, Y., Li, W., Lü, X.*, Liu, Y., Ruan, B., and Liu, X. (2017) Sulfide saturation mechanism of the Poyi magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposit in Beishan, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Ore Geology Reviews, 91, 419–431.

10. Liu, Y., Lü, X., Wu, C.*, Hu, X., Duan, Z., Deng, G., Wang, H., Zhu, X., Zeng, H., Wang, P., Wang, W., and Lu, Q. (2016) The migration of Tarim plume magma toward the northeast in Early Permian and its significance for the exploration of PGE-Cu-Ni magmatic sulfide deposits in Xinjiang, NW China: As suggested by Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes, sedimentology and geophysical data. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 538–545.

Name: Nanfei Cheng

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Associate Professor


Research interests:

My primary research interest is in the use of high-pressure-temperature equipment, such as hydrothermal diamond anvil cells and piston-cylinder press, to simulate mineral reactions and investigate the geochemical properties of fluids in geological environments such as subduction zones and the deep sea. Complementary methods include thermodynamic calculations and analysis of natural rock and mineral samples. Recent major research topics include:

(1) In-situ experimental determination of NaCl- and carbon-bearing fluids in subduction zones;

(2) In-situ experimental determination of the origin of natural H₂;

(3) Experimental modeling of metamorphic reactions at the blueschist-eclogite transition.

Research funding and awards

(1) Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, In-situ experimental observation and analysis of deep fluids and dehydration reactions in the ultramafic system, PI, ¥300000, 2022–2024;

(2) General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province, China, In-situ experimental study of the potential C-Si complexation in subduction-zone fluids, PI, ¥70000, 2023–2026;

(3) “Nanhai New Star” Science and Technology Innovation Talent Platform Program of Hainan Province, China, In situ experimental observation of hydrogen generation from water-rock reactions, PI, ¥300000, 2023–2026.

Education History

2014-2018, State University of New York at Binghamton (SUNY Binghamton), Ph.D. in Geological Sciences;

2011-2014, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S. in Mineralogy, Petrology and Mineral Deposit Geology;

2007-2011, Hefei University of Technology, B.E. in Resource Exploration Engineering.

Employment History

2024-Present, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Associate Professor;

2021-2024, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Assistant Professor;

2019-2020, University of Utha, Postdoctoral Researcher;

2019, SUNY Binghamton, Postdoctoral Researcher.


1. Tang, J., Shi, Y.*, Cheng, N., Yang, G., Li, J., and Tang, G. (2024) Tectonic affinity and evolution of the Foziling Group: A window into the Dabie orogenic belt’s shallow subduction process. Lithos, 488–489, 107804.

2. Cheng, N., Chou, I.-M.*, Wan, Y., Wang, R., Zhang, H., and Chen, Y. (2023) The intrinsic effects of using rhenium gaskets in hydrothermal diamond anvil cell experiments on background fluorescence, contamination, and redox control. Chemical Geology, 632, 121535.

3. Cheng, N.*, and Jenkins, D.M. (2021) Experimental study of metamorphic reactions and dehydration processes at the blueschist–eclogite transition during warm subduction. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39, 39–56.

4. Cheng, N.*, Jenkins, D.M., and Huang, F. (2019a) Dehydration of glaucophane in the system Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O and the effects of NaCl-, CO2- and silicate-bearing aqueous fluids. Journal of Petrology, 60, 2369–2386.

5. Cheng, N.*, Jenkins, D.M., and Holland, T.J.B. (2019b) Low-pressure–temperature stability of pyrope + quartz relative to orthopyroxene + kyanite: a new model for aluminous orthopyroxene with vacancies. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174, 1–12.

6. Liu, J.*, Zhang, L., Cheng, N., Gao, Y., and Xie, L. (2019) Thermal structure of the Dabie eclogite-bearing terrane revealed from the results of Ti-in-zircon thermometry. In Lifei Zhang, Z. Zhang, H.-P. Schertl, and C. Wei, Eds., HP–UHP Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution of Orogenic Belts, 474, 309–330.

7. Shao, T.*, Cheng, N., and Song, M. (2016) Provenance and tectonic-paleogeographic evolution: Constraints from detrital zircon U–Pb ages of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic deposits in the northern Sichuan basin, central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 127, 12–31.

8. Guo, S.*, Ye, K., Cheng, N., Chen, Y., Su, B., and Liu, J. (2015) Metamorphic P-T trajectory and multi-stage fluid events of vein-bearing UHP eclogites from the Dabie terrane: insights from compositional zonations of key minerals. International Geology Review, 57, 1077–1102.

9. Liu, J.*, Zhang, L., Ye, K., Su, W., and Cheng, N. (2013) Oxygen isotopes of whole-rock and zircon and zircon U-Pb ages of meta-rhyolite from the Luzhenguan Group and associated meta-granite in the northern Dabie Mountains. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 29, 1511–1524. In Chinese.

10. Zhang, L., Liu, J.*, Cheng, N., Ye, K., Guo, S., Chen, Y., and Mao, Q. (2013) Study on the relationship between the fluid salinity and chlorine content of apatites in eclogite and veins from HP and UHP metamorphic belt of the Dabie-Sulu. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 29, 1525–1539. In Chinese.

Name: Haiyan Zhang

Degree: M.S.

Position: Senior experimentalist


Research interests:

My research focuses on the experimental investigation of the thermodynamic properties of geofluids in marine hydrothermal environments and Earth's interior. I employ a combination of high-pressure optical cells and Raman spectroscopy to conduct in situ high-pressure-temperature experiments. Additionally, I utilize synthetic fluid inclusion techniques to explore the roles of these fluids in various geological processes.

Education History

2010-2013, Zhejiang University, M.S. in Marine Geology;

2006-2010, Southwest University, B.S. in Animal Science.

Employment History

2022-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Senior Experimentalist;

2016-2022, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Experimentalist;

2013-2015, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Research Assistant.


1. Zhang, H., and Chou, I.-M.* (2023) Raman spectroscopic characterization of the CO2- N2 gaseous system at 24–300°C and 2–40 MPa and applications. High Pressure Research, 44, no. 1, 1-24;

2. Cheng, N., Chou, I.-M.*, Wan, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, H., and Chen, Y. (2023) The intrinsic effects of using rhenium gaskets in hydrothermal diamond anvil cell experiments on background fluorescence, contamination, and redox control. Chemical Geology, 632, 121535;

3. Mao, J.*, Zhang, Q., Zhang, H., Zheng, K., Wang, R., and Wang, G. (2020) Risk Factors for Lymph Node Metastasis in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 11, 1-12.

4. Chen, X.*, Yu, M., Loh, P., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Qiu, Z., Schmidt, M., Zhang, H., Chen, C., Zheng, H., and Ye, Y. (2020) A tidal-influenced hydrothermal system temporarily cooled by a tropical storm. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 393, 1-16.

5. Chen, X.*, Lyu, S., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Lebrato, M., Li X., Zhang, H., Zhang,  P., Chen, C., and Ye, Y. (2018) Heavy metals from Kueishantao shallow-sea hydrothermal vents, offshore northeast Taiwan. Journal of Marine Systems, 180, 211-219.

6. Chen, X.*, Lyu, S., Zhang, P., Yu, M., Chen,C., Chen, Y., Li, X., Jin,A., Zhang, H., Duan, W., and Ye, Y. (2018) Gas discharges from the Kueishantao hydrothermal vents, offshore northeast Taiwan: Implications for drastic variations of magmatic/hydrothermal activities. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 353, 1-10.

7. Chen, X.*, Zhang, H., Li, X., Chen, C., Yang, T., and Ye,Y. (2016)The chemical and isotopic compositions of gas discharge from shallow-water hydrothermal vents at Kueishantao, offshore northeast Taiwan. Geochemical Journal, 50, no.4, 341-355.

8. Zhang, H., Yang, T., Chen, C., Chen, X., Qin, H., Jin, A., Ding, Q., Pan, Y., Xia, M., and Ye, Y*. (2013) Gas composition of submarine hydrothermal systems off Guishandao and in coastal hot springs off Lüdao in Taiwan. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 32, 50-57. In Chinese.

9. Zhang, A., Pan,L., Zhang, H., Liu, S., Ye, Y., Xia, M., and Chen, X.* (2012) Effects of acid treatment on the physico-chemical and pore characteristics of halloysite. Colloids and surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects, 396, 182-188.

Name: Chuanjun Wu

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Assistant Professor


Research interests:

Hydrate phase equilibrium, thermodynamics of hydrate formation and decomposition, as well as research and development of inhibitors and promoters.

Research funding and awards

(1)Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, Hainan Science and Technology Plan Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Joint Project, Project No. 120LH066, Basalt from seamounts in the South China Sea as a "rock probe": Constraining the dynamic model of the South China Sea spreading, 80 thousand yuan.

Education History

2009-2014,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Structural Geology;

2005-2009, Jilin University, B.S. in Geology.

Employment History

2019-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Assistant Professor.

2014-2019, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral Research Associate.


1. Wu, C., Chen, J., Sun, J., Chou, I.-M., Mei,S., Lin, J., Jiang, L.* (2024) Experimental determination and thermodynamic modeling of the hydrogen sulfide hydrate solubility in water. Chemical Engineering Science, no. 284, 119474.

2. Huang, Y., Wu, C., Chen, Y., Chou,I.-M., and Jiang, L*. (2022) Measurement of diffusion coefficients of hydrogen sulfide in water and brine using in-situ Raman spectroscopy. Fluid Phase Equilibria, no. 556,113381.

3. Cai, J., Wu, C.*, Xu, D., Hou, M., Shan, Q., Zhu, Y., and Lin, D. (2017) Structural analysis of the Baolun gold deposit, Hainan Island, South China: Implications for metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, no. 89, 253-269.

4. Xu, D.*, Wu, C.*, Hu, G., Chen, M., Fu, Y., Wang, Z., Chen, H., and Hollings, P. (2016) Late Mesozoic molybdenum mineralization on Hainan Island, South China: Geochemistry, geochronology and geodynamic setting. Ore Geology Reviews, no. 72, 402-433.

Name: Zhi Zheng

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Assistant Professor


Research interests:

1. Structural transition and property of mater under extreme environments;

2. Design principles, synthesis, and characterizations nanomaterials for extreme enviromental application.

Research funding and awards

1. CAS Special Research Assistant Fund;

2. Open Project Program of Yazhou Bay Innovation Institute of Hainan Tropical Ocean University (2022CXYKFTK14).

Education History

2011-2017, University of New Orleans, Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science;

2008-2011, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, M.S. in Condensed Matter Physics;

2004-2008, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, B.S. in Applied Physics.

Employment History

2020-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Assistant Professor;

2017-2020, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Postdoctoral Researcher.


1. Zheng, Z., Li, J., Deng, X., Xiong, M., Cai, W., Liang, B., Yang, K., and Mei, S. (2024) Synthesis and high-pressure properties of (Nd0.2Li0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3 high-entropy perovskite. Materials Today Communications, 41, 110346.

2. Luo, J., Zheng, Z., Xiang, X., Zu, X., Lu, W., Ingraham, N., and Zhou, W. (2024) Multiheterojunction photodetectors based on type-II CdSe-CdTe-ZnTe heterojunctions: structural design and optimization for an enhanced transient response under UV–Vis–NIR light. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7, no. 23, 26962.

3. Zhao, X., Zheng, Z., Chen, J., Sun, J., Xiong, M., Hou, X., and Mei, S. (2024) In‐situ experimental study on the hydrolysis and pyrolysis processes of polylactic acid. Polymer Engineering & Science, 64, no. 4, 1675.

4. Zheng, Z., Liang, B., Gao, J., Ren, J., Liu, Z., Hou, X., Sun, J., and Mei, S. (2023) Dielectric properties of (FeCoCrMnZn)3O4 high-entropy oxide at high pressure. Ceramics International, 49, no. 20, 32521.

5. Zheng, Z., Morgan, M., Ma, J., Xia, X., Zu, X., and Zhou, W. (2023) CuO nanorod arrays by gas-phase cation exchange for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. RSC Advances, 13, no. 6, 3487.

6. Zhao, X., Zheng, Z., Chen, J., Gao, Y., Sun, J., Hou, X., Xiong, M., and Mei, S. (2022) High P-T calcite-aragonite phase transitions under hydrous and anhydrous conditions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 907967.

7. Zheng, Z., Zu, X., Zhang, Y., and Zhou, W. (2020) Rational design of type-II nano-heterojunctions for nanoscale optoelectronics. Materials Today Physics, 15, 100262.

8. Zheng, Z., Retana, M., Hu, X., Luna, R., Ikuhara, Y. H., and Zhou, W. (2017) Three-dimensional cobalt phosphide nanowire arrays as negative electrode material for flexible solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, no. 20, 16986.

9. Zheng, Z., Chen, J., Yoshida, R., Gao, X., Tarr, K., Ikuhara, Y. H., and Zhou, W. (2014) One-step synthesis of TiO2 nanorod arrays on Ti foil for supercapacitor application. Nanotechnology, 25, no. 43, 435406.

10. Zheng, Z., Zu, X., Jiang, X., Xiang, X., Huang, J., Zhou, X., Li, C., Zheng, W., and Li, L. (2012) Effect of HF etching on the surface quality and laser-induced damage of fused silica. Optics and Laser Technology, 44. no. 4, 1039.

Name: Ying Chen

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Assistant Professor


Research interests:

1. Research on the physicochemical properties of high-temperature and high-pressure geological fluids;

2. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of natural gas hydrates.

Research funding and awards

1. The Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province of China (grant number 223QN310).

Education History

2018-2022, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Mineralogy, Petrology, and Mineral Geology;

2011-2014, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), M.S. in Groundwater Science and Engineering;

2007-2011, Hebei University of Engineering, B.S. in Resource Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management.

Employment History

2018-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Assistant Professor;

2014-2017, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Research Intern.


1. Hu, Q.*, Qin, Y., Wu, X., Chen, Y., Yang, H., and Zhu, X. (2024) A study on D2O/H2O-hydrohalite from Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular structure 1311, no. 1–7, 138397.

2. Sun, J., Jiang, L.*, Chou I.-M., Nguyen, N. N., Nguyen, A. V., Chen, Y., Lin, J., and Wu, C. (2023) Thermodynamic and kinetic study of methane hydrate formation in surfactant solutions: From macroscale to microscale. Energy 282, no. 8, 128356.

3. Cheng, N., Chou, I.-M.*, Wan, Y., Wang, R., Zhang, H., and Chen, Y. (2023) The intrinsic effects of using rhenium gaskets in hydrothermal diamond anvil cell experiments on background fluorescence, contamination, and redox control. Chemical Geology 632, 121535.

4. Chen, Y., and Chou I.-M.* (2022) Quantitative Raman spectroscopic determination of the composition, pressure, and density of CO2-CH4 gas mixtures. Journal of Spectroscopy 2022, no. 1, 1-18.

5. Chen, Y., and Chou I.-M.* (2022) Determination of H2 densities over a wide range of temperatures and pressures based on the spectroscopic characterization of Raman vibrational bands. Applied Spectroscopy 76, no. 7, 841-850.

6. Huang, Y., Wu, C., Chen, Y., Chou I.-M., and Jiang, L.* (2022) Measurement of diffusion coefficients of hydrogen sulfide in water and brine using in-situ Raman spectroscopy. Fluid Phase Equilibria 556, 113381.

7. Chen, Y., and Chou I.-M*. (2020) Measurements of vapor pressures of aqueous solutions in the NaCl−KCl−H2O system from 493.15 to 693.25 K in a fused silica capillary high-pressure optical cell. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65, no. 2, 766-776.

8. Chen, Y., Chou I.-M*. (2020) Reply to “Comment on ‘Measurements of vapor pressures of aqueous solutions in the NaCl–KCl–H2O system from 493.15 to 693.25 K in a fused silica capillary high-pressure optical cell’”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65, no. 2, 5064-5067.

9. Fang, J., Chou I.-M.*, and Chen, Y. (2018) Quantitative Raman spectroscopic study of the H2-CH4 gaseous system. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 49, no.4, 710-720.

10. Jiang, L.*, Xin, Y., Chou I.-M*., and Chen, Y. (2018) Raman spectroscopic measurements of ν1 band of hydrogen sulfide over a wide range of temperature and density in fused‐silica optical cells. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 49, no.2, 343-350.

Name: Zairong Liu

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: Postdoc


Research interests:

Kimberlite magma evolution; Redox melting; carbon cycling and speciation; early Earth magmatism; intraplate basalt genesis.

Research funding and awards

1. Young Scientists Found of National Natural Science Foundation of China (RMB 300, 000)-01/2024-12/2026;   

2. Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund Project of Hainan(RMB  60, 000) -04/2022-04/2025. 

Education History

2017-2020, Peking University, Cotutelle Ph.D. in Petrology;

2014-2020, University of Muenster, Ph.D. in Petrology;

2011-2014, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, M.S. in Geochemistry.

Employment History

2021-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Postdoctoral;

2007-2011, Shandong University of Science and Technology, B.S. in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.


1.  Liu, Y., Liu I., Chen, J., Wu, N., Li, W., Bagas, L., Ren, M., Liu, Z., Mei, S.*, and Wang, L.* (2023) Oldhamite: a new link in upper mantle for C–O–S–Ca cycles and an indicator for planetary habitability. National Science Review, nwad159.

2.  Liu, Z.*, Rohrbach, A., Klemme, S., Foley, S., Tiraboschi, C., Berndt, J (2023) The effect of C-O-H fluids on partial melting of eclogite and lherzolite under moderately oxidizing and reducing conditions. Chemical Geology, 616, 121219.

3.  Liu, Z.*, Shea, J., Foley, S., Bussweiler, Y., Rohrbach, A., Klemme, S., and Berndt, J. (2021) Clarifying source assemblages and metasomatic agents of basaltic rocks in southeastern Australia using phenocryst compositions. Lithos, 390-391, 106-122.

4. Zhang, Z.*, and Liu, Z. (2015) High pressure equation of state for molten CaCO3 from first principles simulations. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 34, no. 1, 13-20.

5. Liu, Z., and Zhang, Z.* (2015) Densities and compressibilities of calcium-carbonate melts under the mantle condition. Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 32, no. 3, 356-362. In Chinese.

Name: Juezhi Lin

Degree: Bachelor

Position: Engineer


Research interests:

Research and development of deep-sea high-pressure simulation devices.

Education History

2008-2012, Hefei University of Technology, B.S. in Applied Physics.

Employment History

2021-Present, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, CAS,Engineer.

2016-2021,Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Assistant Engineer;

2015-2016, Hainan Zhanchuang Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., Physical Engineer;

2012-2015, Hainan Hanergy Photovoltaic Co., Ltd., PECVD Technician.


 1. Lin, J., Yang, S., Xie, X., and Jiang, L.* (2024) Structure and low temperature control analysis of a large full ocean deep environment simulation device. Journal of Ocean Technology, 43, no. 1, 74-83.

2. Lin, J., Jiang, L., and Yang, H. (2024) Development and application of a large-scale deep-sea high pressure simulation test device. Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, 10, 282-288. In Chinese.

3. Wu, C., Chen, J., Sun, J., Chou, I.-M., Mei, S., Lin, J., and Jiang, L.* (2024) Experimental determination and thermodynamic modeling of the hydrogen sulfide hydrate solubility in water. Chemical Engineering Science, 119474.

4. Sun, J., Jiang, L.*, Chou, I.-M., Ngoc, N., Anh V., Chen,Y., Lin,J., Wu, C. (2023) Thermodynamic and kinetic study of methane hydrate formation in surfactant solutions: From macroscale to microscale. Energy, 282-128356.

5.Sun, J., Chou, I.-M., Jiang, L.*, Lin, J., and Sun, R. (2021) Crystallization behavior of hydrogen sulfide hydrate formed in microcapillaries. ACS Omega, 22 no. 6, 14288-14297.

Name: Jianhui Sun

Degree: Bachelor

Position: Experimentalist


Research interests:

Mineral physics and chemistry under extreme environments.

Education History

2013-2016, University of Waterloo, B.S. in Geoscience;

2009-2013, Shandong Normal University, B.S. in Science.

Employment History

2024-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Experimentalist;

2017-2023, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant Experimentalist.


1. Zhao, X., Zheng, Z., Chen, J., Gao, Y., Sun, J., Hou, X., Xiong, M., and Mei, S. (2022) High PT calcite-aragonite phase transitions under hydrous and anhydrous conditions. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 907967.

2. Zheng, Z., Liang, B., Gao, J., Ren, J., Liu, Z., Hou, X., Sun, J., and Mei, S. (2023) Dielectric properties of (FeCoCrMnZn)3O4 high-entropy oxide at high pressure. Ceramics International, 49, no. 20, 32521–32527.

3. Hou, X., Liu, Y., Chen, J., Zheng, Z., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Sun, J., Wang, X., Li, J., and Mei, S. (2023) Experimental study on the tridacna squamosa shell: Distinctive Structure and Mechanical Behavior. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 9, no. 1, 399–408.

Name: Haoran Sun 

Degree: M.S.

Position: Research Assistant


Research interests:

Computational geochemistry and PVTx properties of seawater.

Education History

2021-2024, University of South China, M.S. in Geological Engineering;

2016-2021, Beijing Institute of Technology, B.S. in Electronic Information Engineering.

Employment History

2024-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, Research Assistant.


1.  Sun, H., Dou, J., Li, N., Wu, P., Du, C., and Duan, X. (2024) Prediction of volcanic CO2 flux based on random simulation: Taking the Mount Etna, Italy as an example. Earth Science Frontiers, 31, no. 4, 429-437.

2.  Wang, J., Wang, J., Zhou, Z., Wu, P., Sun, H., Dou, J., Li, N., and Duan, X. (2024) Numerical Simulation of the Creep Behavior of Beishan Deep Granite Tunnel under the Coupling Thermal-Stress Field. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 28, no. 4, 1546-1553.

3.  Han, S., Wang, S., Duan, X., Santosh, M., Li, S., Sun, H., Tang, Z., Liu, S., Chen, L., Ma, A., Long, S., and Liu, W. (2022) Metallogenic material source and genesis of the Jilinbaolige Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, the Great Xing’an Range, China: Constraints from mineralogical, S isotopic, and Pb isotopic studies of sulfide ores. Minerals, 24, no. 12, 1512.

Name: Mengjun Xiong

Degree: Bachelor

Position: Ph.D. student


Research interests:

The physical and chemical behavior of talc under high temperature and high pressure has been studied, which primarily involves the carbonation of talc in C-O-H fluid and the formation of a high-pressure hydrated phase in NaCl-H2O fluid.

Education History

2019-Present, Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Marine Geology;

2015-2019, Ocean University of China, B.S. in Earth Information Science and Technology.

Name: Xinxin Gao 

Degree: M.S.

Position: Ph.D. student


Research interests: Materials Science, Mineralogy.

Education History

2021-2024, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), M.S. in Gemmology;

2017-2021, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), B.S. in Gemmology and Materials Technology.

Name: Wenhao Shan 

Degree: Bachelor

Position: M.S. student


Research interests: Promoters and inhibitors of natural gas hydrates.

Education History

2020-2024, Hainan Tropical Ocean University, B.S. in Marine Science;

2024-Present, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, CAS, a M.S. student in Marine Geology.

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