3rd Oceanoise Asia held in Sanya
3rd Oceanoise Asia was held in Sanya from November 14 to 16, 2023, hosted by the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The conference attracted more than 70 experts and scholars in related fields from China, Japan, Britain, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries and regions.
Researcher, Prof. Songhai Li from the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS,
chaired the opening ceremony.
The theme of this conference is “Ocean Noise and its Potential Impacts on Marine Organisms”. A total of 28 oral and 13 poster presentations were scheduled to discuss in depth in four sessions, which are “Marine Bioacoustic Signals and Noise Response”, “Ocean Noise and Impacts”, “Ocean soundscape and passive acoustic monitoring”, and “Ocean Conservation and Management”.
Various types of underwater noise are generated by various types of marine engineering; and marine mammals, reptiles, fish, and invertebrates can be affected by the underwater noise.
Currently, baseline information on these typical marine organism taxa is still very scarce in Asian waters. In addition, the impacts of ocean noise on biome and related scientific evaluation criteria still need to be developed and refined, and there is screaming out for reliable measurements of ocean noise and assessments of its biological and ecological impacts in academia, engineering, animal protection, and the ocean policy communities.
The invited talk from Prof. Tomonari Akamatsu
The invited talk from Dr. Lindsay Porter
The aim of this conference is to share the latest research results involving ocean noise and its impacts on marine organisms, as well as to discuss and exchange information on measurement technology and the methods of biological impact assessment for ocean noise.
Oral session
Poster session